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Bob Kraft


Registered Member
Messages: 1,109
Reviews: 4
Their point seems to be

(1) Lots of times a simple hand job is the signs of other really bad shit going on

(2) If we say "sex trafficking" and "human slavery" often enough then the stupid blue hairs might believe it

(3) We are too stupid to know when to stop digging

I hope they get sued and loose big enough that they go bankrupt. Maybe then the citizens finally wake up and tell the gov't to focus on real threats to society. I really, really hope Kraft nails them for linking his name to trafficking when they admit there is no substance. For all the evil the Patriots have done, it would be nice if Kraft was the cause if something positive.

But it's FL, so I expect stupidity will win out eventually.


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Messages: 3,951
Reviews: 9
The argument for the upgrade to Felony is that this was multiple counts of the same Misdemeanor charge. Slight issue with that. Traditionally, it was only done when the arrestee shows recidivism, and most importantly, has a prior conviction for the same crime. This is Kraft's first arrest. Also, the burden of proof is higher for a Felony. So, as mentioned, if they can't convict on the evidence they had for the Misdemeanor, it makes no sense to make your job that much more difficult. Especially if the appeal for the tape fails.

Best case scenario is for the Felony Upgrade to be approved, and the appeal to be denied.


Review Contributor
Messages: 76
Reviews: 30
I hope Kraft crushes them in court. It’s a BS charge but they want to dig and dig and waste resources and tax payer money, for what to make a name for themselves, it’s almost like a Marv Albert case his name is out there in the public with an Astrid


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Messages: 2,802
Reviews: 180
You guys are underestimating the political system controlling the ballot boxes so that the general public never really gets a chance to vote for local officials.
Every time I walk into a voting booth and analyze the ballot, I ask myself why the F___ did I waste my time coming to vote. Half the candidates were running non-contested, 40 percent of them had managed to get their name on both D and R ticket and 10 percent had two A_Holes you had to pick from.


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Messages: 2,418
Reviews: 5
The argument for the upgrade to Felony is that this was multiple counts of the same Misdemeanor charge. Slight issue with that. Traditionally, it was only done when the arrestee shows recidivism, and most importantly, has a prior conviction for the same crime. This is Kraft's first arrest. Also, the burden of proof is higher for a Felony. So, as mentioned, if they can't convict on the evidence they had for the Misdemeanor, it makes no sense to make your job that much more difficult. Especially if the appeal for the tape fails.

Best case scenario is for the Felony Upgrade to be approved, and the appeal to be denied.
That is the part I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense to upgrade to a felony if they may lose the evidence for the misdemeanor.

The only thing I can think of is Kraft may be the only guy who was on tape twice at this place. So anyone caught on tape once gets the misdemeanor.


Has Decided to Walk on Earth.
Messages: 2,604
Reviews: 38
"The only thing I can think of is Kraft may be the only guy who was on tape twice at this place. So anyone caught on tape once gets the misdemeanor."

Uncle Leo will do anything to count many misdemeanor charges. K was caught once, regardless of number of visits, will be misdemeanor. Best case scenario for K would be for Uncle Leo to drop the charges and move on to protecting his/her coast from traffickers importing drugs!


Registered Member
Messages: 725
Reviews: 47
That is the part I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense to upgrade to a felony if they may lose the evidence for the misdemeanor.

The only thing I can think of is Kraft may be the only guy who was on tape twice at this place. So anyone caught on tape once gets the misdemeanor.
This is neither tactical nor strategic on the part of the state’s attorneys. It is simply a way to attempt to intimidate Robert Kraft. Now he is looking at real jail time. The prosecution being a bully again.


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Messages: 2,802
Reviews: 180
This is nothing but a shake down guys. The story says they might increase it to a felony. For all we know, the initial payoffs have been offered from Kraft's attorneys and this is the best way to say that initial payoff was too low.

This case will never go to court. They only thing that will happen is those who are politically connected will get college scholarship money for their children to the best colleges in the nation.


Review Contributor
Messages: 2,358
Reviews: 21
LE wants to up the charges to felony, which appears like their bluff, making it seem as if they have a strong enough case to do so, in hopes Kraft, his attorney’s will plea out for misdemeanor charges. Kraft will wait it out and eventually have his day in court, force the state to present its case most likely without the incriminating video evidence. No video, no human trafficking, just two consenting adults making the most of the visit, costing Florida lots of taxpayer money to try a misdemeanor case. Just my opinion.


Registered Member
Messages: 725
Reviews: 47
LE wants to up the charges to felony, which appears like their bluff, making it seem as if they have a strong enough case to do so, in hopes Kraft, his attorney’s will plea out for misdemeanor charges. Kraft will wait it out and eventually have his day in court, force the state to present its case most likely without the incriminating video evidence. No video, no human trafficking, just two consenting adults making the most of the visit, costing Florida lots of taxpayer money to try a misdemeanor case. Just my opinion.
I think you are spot on. The issue the news media is not really reporting is that the cops knew there was no forced prostitution before it go the sneak-and-peak warrant. They used forced prostitution (Human Trafficking) as a sweetner to obtain the warrant so that in the long run they could have there wonderful new conference, put the photos of a few dozen guys on the news and look like big shots.


Registered Member
Messages: 2,418
Reviews: 5
This is neither tactical nor strategic on the part of the state’s attorneys. It is simply a way to attempt to intimidate Robert Kraft. Now he is looking at real jail time. The prosecution being a bully again.
The only thing that worries me is that Kraft has requested a jury trial. If it goes to that and you have the same knuckleheads on the jury who elected the judges, sheriffs, and DAs, then it's a problem. After all, Florida is soon to be a state with a Monger Registry.


Review Contributor
Messages: 2,358
Reviews: 21
LE cannot target a citizen, then go after that citizen without first witnessing a crime or on heresay, another issue for LE is proving their case. Out of all the parlors in that county LE just happens to net Kraft, it doesn’t pass the smell test. I rather believe an officer happened to be in the immediate area, saw Kraft being dropped off or picked up after a session, cops talk as any other coworkers, it got back to brass, the plan was then hatched for surveillance, now we’re here, waiting for the end result, Kraft’s attorneys are playing chess with Florida, it’s Florida’s move before attorneys call checkmate. LE knew they had a big fish in their net, what they didn’t count on was the big fish is actually a shark, mild mannered, smiling, friendly short man, but a shark nonetheless, LE utilizes the shame tactic to their advantage, men just want to get past the embarrassment of a prostitution bust, Kraft ain’t common folk.


Registered Member
Messages: 3,951
Reviews: 9
The facts of the case is out in the open. No need to get confused.

Kraft was caught on surveillance tape going to the spa twice. They only found out it was him when they stopped the vehicle for an ID check. The case made it to court, where his lawyers successfully got the tape evidence thrown out because the warrant was invalid. The DA is pending the appeal of the tape evidence before deciding if they want to proceed to trail. Not sure if the DA has complied with the request to turn over of evidence that was previously discussed. His two visits netted Kraft two separate Misdemeanor counts (one for each visit). The DA has now decided that the multiple Misdemeanor counts would be upgraded to a single Felony, and that's pending approval. If it was mean to intimidate Kraft, pretty sure his attorneys will have a field day with that one. As for a jury trial, there's enough publicity around the case for Kraft to move it to another, more neutral, jurisdiction. The only thing anyone can do is to just wait as the case moves slowly through the system.