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Review: Tina-Dadada best one yet!!!


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,170
Reviews: 21
I am assuming the Need more detail is a joke, right? That is the most detail I have ever seen. Hell, I think it took me longer to read the details that it took him to get off. Every review I have seen so far on DaDaDa is amazing. I gotta set aside a couple of hundred bucks and make the hour trip out there.. Her being 53 still makes her younger than me so what the hell. :)
The Royce Brooks like post took me as long to read as the entire session lasted, nice work!

Fair warning. The needs more detail was funny, but.....

Be careful about joking, there are some here who have thin skin, inflated self opinions and narcissistic wiring. They don't get jokes and think everything is about them if have a comment on a thread.

No, I am not suggesting Donald Trump is on this board, however, fragile egos all behave alike.


AKA jacklondongreat
Messages: 2,119
Reviews: 21
The Royce Brooks like post took me as long to read as the entire session lasted, nice work!

Fair warning. The needs more detail was funny, but.....

Be careful about joking, there are some here who have thin skin, inflated self opinions and narcissistic wiring. They don't get jokes and think everything is about them if have a comment on a thread.

No, I am not suggesting Donald Trump is on this board, however, fragile egos all behave alike.
KJ: I hear what you're saying but if someone is slow on the uptake, then that's on them. This site is one of the last bastions of non-PC communication, so those with thin skins or easily bruised egos (i.e., snowflakes) should just suck it up...


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,170
Reviews: 21
KJ: I hear what you're saying but if someone is slow on the uptake, then that's on them. This site is one of the last bastions of non-PC communication, so those with thin skins or easily bruised egos (i.e., snowflakes) should just suck it up...
Paco - you are right on target. I think they bruise easily because they fabricate their 'mystique' and lack their mama's attention, so they lash out.