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I need to vent about women

이 회장님

Review Contributor
Messages: 5,729
Reviews: 125
Oh yeah… the most disgusting unattractive women get tons of male attention. Look at this woman; she is a model. She thinks she is beautiful. She has guys all over her. You listen to these women talk and you just realize how far men have lowered themselves. The future of dating is bleak

Damn she’s bigger than Earthquake and Tugboat of the former WWF. lol


Registered Member
Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Wow you’re only 150 pounds? I’m 5’9”, 163 pounds. Do you eat a low carbs diet or avoid any snacks and alcohol? I’ll have a cheat day once a week by going all-in at a diner. lol
That’s still not too bad for 5’9. I honestly can’t explain my weight. It’s not genetics; both my parents were heavy at my age. It’s not diet: I eat fast food regularly. My doctor thinks I might have a slight case of marfan syndrome. I’ve been referred to a rheumatologist to check. So that might ultimately explain it.

이 회장님

Review Contributor
Messages: 5,729
Reviews: 125
It’s actually great advice. Because I am thin as heck and it would be much easier for me to get toned up than a guy who is heavier. I have no excuse not to.
I envy you. 5’11” is a great height for a man. Any girl who tells me she’s 5’7” or taller, I tell them not to wear high heels. I say that as an ice breaker but I’m also dead serious. lol


hAnEsT rEbEws OnRy
Messages: 370
Reviews: 22
My buddy who's single -- I've been helping him with the truth about women -- texted me he went on a date tonight. During the date he realized 1) this girl is 30 years old, 2) she's talking a lot about travel and luxury apts, and 3) she has no tits.

I texted him, "a wall hitting the wall."


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,955
Reviews: 16
Honestly, that sounded way more like you venting about yourself then about women.

I'm going to tell you two true things that you aren't going to like hearing and will very likely want to argue against.

But these two things are so fundamentally true that they pretty much stand for themselves without anyone having to agree with them or me having to provide any further comment or to respond to any comments. The first one is short but the second takes a bit.

1. What we get is what we put out.


2. No matter how intelligent or charming you think you are, you can't hide how you feel about people, especially how you feel about women. It comes out in the way you speak and act around them whether you know it or not.

From my experience, most women will know within a few minutes conversation what kind of guy they are talking to, especially how that guy views women. They pay more attention to how we respond to things than we do to them.

If they like what they see/hear then they will keep talking to you, but if they don't they will pretty much say and do whatever just to get rid of you.

Even if it means doing or saying things that makes them seem rude or selfish, they don't really care so long as it gets you away from them. Because they know that if they are rude enough or mean enough you will eventually leave them alone.

I'm 56 years old. I've dated lots of women, struck out with lots of women and watched friends do the same.

It is my firm belief that the reason so many guys believe the things you do about women is because they have been rejected a lot by women who used rudeness and meanness to reject them. (Either that or they are too shy to actually approach women and just brood about it in a bitter grapes kinda way)

So they've come to the conclusion that most women are mean, selfish and rude.

And once they believe this, it comes out in their words and actions, which leads to more rejection and the sad cycle continues.

On the other hand, the guys with confidence, hope and respect for women always do better.

One of my best friends is 5'7" and has a stutter. He is also intelligent, kind and confident. And I mean this guy has the confidence of a lion!

This short stuttering guy (who was not born rich nor made his money before his 40s) not only decided to be a lawyer, but to be a litigator!

And along the way, he dated some pretty beautiful women! Sure he got rejected a bunch, but he never let rejection define his view of himself or his view of women.

Today he is married to a beautiful woman and has a wonderful family. His wife is a statuesque beauty (also a lawyer) who is taller than him and still turns heads (They joke about it a lot) who adores him.

Whenever I hear any guy say things similar to what you said about women, I think about my friend, his beautiful wife and lack of bitterness.

And then I go back to the first truth I told you.

What we get is what we put out.
I bet the stuttering lawyer is hung like a horse and she said " I can deal with the stuttering but I can't pass up the cock".


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,955
Reviews: 16
I bet the stuttering lawyer is hung like a horse and she said " I can deal with the stuttering but I can't pass up the cock". I worked with a guy years ago that was a real nebish. Really nerdy. Could barely meet your eye when you spoke with him, and often sat in his car at lunch eating by himself. Met his wife at a company event one day and she was stunning. Could never figure out why she was with him. Then one day in the gym locker room I saw him come out of the shower. Then I knew the reason. Flaccid, his dick was bigger than mine was erect, and it hung down like a horse. She probably went out with him one day as a courtesy date, got drunk, had sex with him and the next morning had to verify what she thought she saw the night before and said to herself "I want that the rest of my life".


All Good.
Messages: 271
Reviews: 8
Sounds like you need a gay
Type of lady I’m looking for.

1. Ages 23 to 29
2. MLB fan
3. NBA fan
4. College football fan
5. College basketball fan
6. NFL fan (there’s one girl who invited me to a Giants game since his dad is a season ticket holder but she’s ugly)
7. Likes going to Dunkin Donuts
8. Doesn’t bother me while I’m watching a playoff game
9. Petite
10. Cute
11. Nice attitude

That’s all I’m asking. :LOL:
Good luck
Type of lady I’m looking for.

1. Ages 23 to 29
2. MLB fan
3. NBA fan
4. College football fan
5. College basketball fan
6. NFL fan (there’s one girl who invited me to a Giants game since his dad is a season ticket holder but she’s ugly)
7. Likes going to Dunkin Donuts
8. Doesn’t bother me while I’m watching a playoff game
9. Petite
10. Cute
11. Nice attitude

That’s all I’m asking. :LOL:


Registered Member
Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Sounds like you need a gay

Good luck

True- I find that most women who are heavily into sports are very masculine. A little team spirit is fine. Supports her man’s team. No problem.

But if she knows all the details and is an all around die hard fan; she also has a deep mainly aggressive yelling voice and perhaps an alcohol problem. No thank you.


Review Contributor
Messages: 724
Reviews: 10
Bees - tries hard to improve, keeps the faith, optimistic
Roaches - gives up, anti social, cynical

Flowers - feminine and maximize what they were given, kind, hopeful, healthy mind
Weeds - poor dress and grooming, shallow, vain, cliqiush and judgemental etc.

A good BEE will always find a FLOWER.
It's just nature, folks.
Point of clarification, the bees that finds the flower is always female

Male bees have zero value in the hive. They basically eat and shit 24/7. One time every season there is an intense competition between the male bees to mate with the queen. The strongest male passes his DNA to the next generation. The rest of the males go back to eating and shitting. In the fall all the drones are kicked out of the hive and die from exposure.

Dont be a drone.


Review Contributor
Messages: 724
Reviews: 10
But you can tell me all day long that these views aren’t true… but I’ve literally lived it. This is not some fictional story I’ve told myself; it’s my reality.

I get out and about and make the effort. The women don’t exist. It’s not even close.

Far more men are single. How can you argue with stats? Women always have far more dating prospects. It’s not even comparable.

I guess it strange how you don’t get this especially since the best you can pull is a 30 yr old who is not committed to you and is gone in a week or so.
It's worth reminding ourselves that correlation ≠ causation
Statistically, there are an equal number men and women in the United States between the ages of 18 and 40 +/- 1%. So one can logically conclude that there are an equal number of available partners for both men and women.
Most young men are single because they don’t know how to talk to women, or afraid of rejection. When I was young and dumb and full of cum, if I would’ve been afraid of rejection, I never would’ve gotten laid, but as a young man, I got my fair share, starting at 14 years old with a MILF. It seems today, far more women that ever are DTF, but men still have to make the first move, that’s never going to change. Sure you may have some women that will make the first move, but that’s not common. Also far to many men, especially young men put the pussy on a pedestal, that’s something I never did. The advice I would give to any young man is don’t come across as desperate, that’s a huge turnoff. Act interested, but not desperate. And if you think a woman is out of your league because she’s a 10 and you’re not, well go for it anyway, if she’s shallow you don’t stand a chance, but you will not know if you don’t try. Me, I could approach any woman and know if I will be fucking her later that night, in a week or so, or never, and I’ll know this in 5 minutes or less. I think the problem with some young men these days are the easy access to porn, they want instant gratification and not put the work in to get laid.
They also reject any prospect that isn't as slutty as Anal Jesse or as hot as Eva Elfie. There is some plain Jane woman with a masters in finance earning 250k a year wondering why she doesn't get chatted up at the bar and it's because all the available men are gooning out to unlimited porn channels.


Review Contributor
Messages: 407
Reviews: 50
Point of clarification, the bees that finds the flower is always female

Male bees have zero value in the hive. They basically eat and shit 24/7. One time every season there is an intense competition between the male bees to mate with the queen. The strongest male passes his DNA to the next generation. The rest of the males go back to eating and shitting. In the fall all the drones are kicked out of the hive and die from exposure.

Dont be a drone.
Haha. Don't let the facts mess up a good story.
Now, let's all go out and find that flower.


Review Contributor
Messages: 386
Reviews: 23
mind to share that story? I’d love to hear it
I was with an older friend of mine, and he introduced me to his aunt that was visiting from the west coast. We were hanging out at his house, his girlfriend called, she wanted to get fucked, so I was going to leave, the aunt told me to hang out, she’ll give me a ride home. We smoked some weed, and she told me she’s always wanted to bang her nephew’s friends. So I said what the fuck. I was of course inexperienced but she took charge. Of course I blew the moment she put my cock in her mouth, but she was cool with that, about 10 minutes later I was good to go again. We didn’t have a condom, but she said she has her tubes tied, and I was young dumb and full of cum, so I went through with it. The second time I didn’t last long either, she seemed annoyed, but didn’t say anything. Of course she said don’t tell anyone, and I never did.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,968
Reviews: 14
I was with an older friend of mine, and he introduced me to his aunt that was visiting from the west coast. We were hanging out at his house, his girlfriend called, she wanted to get fucked, so I was going to leave, the aunt told me to hang out, she’ll give me a ride home. We smoked some weed, and she told me she’s always wanted to bang her nephew’s friends. So I said what the fuck. I was of course inexperienced but she took charge. Of course I blew the moment she put my cock in her mouth, but she was cool with that, about 10 minutes later I was good to go again. We didn’t have a condom, but she said she has her tubes tied, and I was young dumb and full of cum, so I went through with it. The second time I didn’t last long either, she seemed annoyed, but didn’t say anything. Of course she said don’t tell anyone, and I never did.
What age was she at the time?