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How many places do you think will permanently close?


Registered Member
Messages: 436
Reviews: 9
One of the providers that I have been seeing on and off is a finance director (confirmed by finding her linkedin profile) for a well-known company. I honestly don't have a grasp of her motivations, other than her having a love of travel which isn't particularly different from most young women. She is unmarried, sharing an apartment with roommates, and is not the type to flaunt $500 purses or Louboutins. I suspect that at some level she does enjoy providing and just likes having extra money even if she's already commanding a nice six figure salary.
sugar baby or escort?


Registered Member
Messages: 642
Reviews: 7
Not to derail this thread - on a separate note, Danny Meyer (Shake Shack, Gramercy Tavern, Blue Smoke) said that 50% or more restaurants will never reopen after all is said and done. There are 660,000 restaurants in the US.
In the long run that might be a good thing if it eases the obesity epidemic and those workers re-skill into better, more stable jobs. It's unthinkable how bad this is for the economy, but when you see a mass grave in the middle of Manhattan you realize there was no other way, once the mitigation window closed. To be fair, we had almost 3 months to prevent this situation and we didn't do it.

Mass burial captured by drone in New York City as morgues pushed to limit


Registered Member
Messages: 213
Reviews: 18
Were you alive in the fucking 20th century??? Socialist nations have murdered about 100 million. 20-40 million by USSR. 60 million plus by Maoist China. Pol Pot with about 1.7 million.

Also, the welfare state is not socialism I hate to tell you.
Socialism - "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. "

The welfare state in no way mean that you don't have private means of production and real estate. Don't parrot incorrect facts because you heard someone say them like some flat earther or anti-vaxxer.
Good sir, the Soviet Union, venezuela, etc... may use “Socialism” as their defining political philosophy, note the capital s. They are about as socialist as North Korea is democratic—if you are not aware they call themselves the Korean Democratic People’s Republic. A better example of socialism is found in any of the scandinavian countries—those countries Trump wants more immigrants from, but for some reason they don’t want to come, wonder why?


Review Contributor
Messages: 544
Reviews: 6
In the long run that might be a good thing if it eases the obesity epidemic and those workers re-skill into better, more stable jobs. It's unthinkable how bad this is for the economy, but when you see a mass grave in the middle of Manhattan you realize there was no other way, once the mitigation window closed. To be fair, we had almost 3 months to prevent this situation and we didn't do it.

Mass burial captured by drone in New York City as morgues pushed to limit
That is not in the middle of Manhattan. It is Hart Island which is technically a part of the Bronx, and is located to the east of City Island, not accessible by any road, bridge or aqueduct.


Registered Member
Messages: 22
Reviews: 3
Ever notice the location of midtown amps all are a bit similar? Mostly older buildings, often with delis, barbers, and retail of the like? Many of them are owned by korean immigrants from the 60’s/70’s/80’s who did well for themselves and bought real estate—often the buildings they had their store in. They are also less hung up on sex and paying for it. They often find status in having a spa in their orbit. So, yes, some specific outfits will go away for a number of reasons. But, there’ll be ready to go/built out locations ready for the new entrepreneurs.
I had a very similar thought in going through this chain. Your Diamond District spots and some of the spots above random bars (Sweet Spa 29), I would assume are relatively safe and secure real estate investments that the money from AMPs is probably off the books. I think they come back quickly and hopefully some of those great crews.


Registered Member
Messages: 250
Reviews: 3
That’s is projection on your behalf . Neither depression nor true societal change has occurred yet. It will be a while before we shake hands , maybe never. People used to wear hats in the 40’s , mustaches in the 70’s , societal customs are always changing . We will wear face masks but by summer they will come off.

This crisis is not financially systemic, it is pandemic . We have a rough two months - by June you will see cases in NY , LA, New Orleans , drop to zero new cases. No one especially Trump wants Rooseveltism. We do have infrastructure problems they truly do need repair , however we cannot drive an economy our size on that.

If there is any conspiracy theory here it isn’t within the US - it is China who sacrificed their own people by unleashing their bioengineered bat virus in the world. See how the trade war stopped the moment we needed medical supplies ? They are in Italy now “ to help”. Their goal is world domination and they might just pull it off with this third pandemic. The other two in the past were just target practice.

Who knows what the next one is
So where does the reality of industrial farming borne diseases and evolved viruses play into your conspiracy?


Registered Member
Messages: 642
Reviews: 7
I had a very similar thought in going through this chain. Your Diamond District spots and some of the spots above random bars (Sweet Spa 29), I would assume are relatively safe and secure real estate investments that the money from AMPs is probably off the books. I think they come back quickly and hopefully some of those great crews.
I'm fascinated by this. How can such a place operate without getting drowned in lawsuits? The War on Drugs put laws on the books that let police seize property they believe is involved in a crime. you can get it back..maybe...but it will cost you. If you're a criminal syndicate, you can bribe the right people. But if you're a mom and pop operation, how can you manage those risks with property that represents a sizeable chunk of your net worth?


Registered Member
Messages: 81
Reviews: 13
I think a lot of small, independent AMPs that operate from a small office in an office building might close becuase they are not able to pay the rent. And they probably don't have huge cash reserves because a lot of them are low volume and do not do FS. And I don't think they will apply for federal assistance...


Registered Member
Messages: 341
Reviews: 1
i was just coming here to ask that question. i think most will be closed but will reopen elsewhere....too much money to abandon. fortunately i am in constant contact with my atf. i tried calling another fave of mine and she's not answering her cell even though she lives on the ues


Review Contributor
Messages: 772
Reviews: 10
They may have ads up but (a) many people lost their jobs . Ho money is the first to go. (b) I know two popular providers both tested positive after running high fevers.

Many ads running were taken and paid for a month ago , ads run but no answer.

I think like restaurants , hotels and retail, ho biz impacted heavily till a vaccine is here - and till the vaccine is proven safe . I spoke with several people on hospitalized and Remdesivir worked immediately


Review Contributor
Messages: 544
Reviews: 6
They may have ads up but (a) many people lost their jobs . Ho money is the first to go. (b) I know two popular providers both tested positive after running high fevers.

Many ads running were taken and paid for a month ago , ads run but no answer.

I think like restaurants , hotels and retail, ho biz impacted heavily till a vaccine is here - and till the vaccine is proven safe . I spoke with several people on hospitalized and Remdesivir worked immediately
If they tested positive and have recovered they should be able to return to th work force according to the President...


Review Contributor
Messages: 772
Reviews: 10
If they tested positive and have recovered they should be able to return to th work force according to the President...
Great where did he get his medical degree? Dr Fauci and others have intimated that (a) they don’t know a lot about this virus (b) our buddies in Wuhan are reporting that a high preponderance of recovered covid cases are retesting positive after recovery . That’s a whole new ballgame . (c) we are learning that we have been barking up the wrong tree . Covid is a delayed blood disorder similar to high altitude oxygen deprivation . Cleverly at a certain development in the disease it invade the hemoglobin replace the iron transporting proteins with its self to transport into the lungs . High levels of iron protein found in blood. Basically no blood oxygen transference you suffocate. This virus keeps unraveling - as does the Bill Gates investment and involvement in Wuhan and WHO.

Your approach that it’s safe after a provider has it is a false sense of security . Have you also strained a brain cell and thought about the fact that even if she is safe that the guy before who was all over the bed , the pillow and the bathroom, is asymptotic and has contaminated her apt and you ??? Think , think before you speak and act


Registered Member
Messages: 352
Reviews: 9
As the days go by,I’m coming to the realization that this virus will be part of our lives for years to come.Seems like a vaccine will take 1-1/2 to 2 years.I know, I’m a degenerate.the question is how much of a degenerate? Do I now risk the lives of a loved one, for a whore? This really sucks!!!!


Review Contributor
Messages: 405
Reviews: 40
You are seriously taking medical advice from our Great Leader? Good luck to you...
I’m not going to get in deep on this per moderators requests but he is literally saying maintain social distancing one moment, then getting on Twitter to say states (some with high totals like Michigan) should be “liberated” - just to mess with the Dem governors. My 73 y/o father told me today he won’t wear a mask bc Trump doesn’t, why should he.
The world has gone insane


Registered Member
Messages: 2
No she WAS an investment banker -
I am not surprised by this.

If she was a junior analyst she wouldn't br making any crazy money by any means. I know plenty of junior banking analysts who actual need help from the bank of Mom-N-Dad to live a fairly modest Iifestyle compared banker peers. The biggest cost is rent ($2k/month is pretty low and common).


Registered Member
Messages: 5
Reviews: 2
I don't expect things to be open until June. My go to is keeping it professional and will reach back to me when they re-open. It looks like the smart ones aren't listening to our terrorist president and will see how things go. Given the level of batshit insanity happening with the likes of Michigan protests I expect a small window of re-opening then a 2nd wave of virus.


Registered Member
Messages: 436
Reviews: 9
If there are antibody tests and I test positive then I may go back, because at that point I figure I have immunity. But the reports of people catching it a second time are not great.

It affects men more than women and being overweight and over 40 is a factor. so a 30 year old spa girl can be a carrier and not get sick, but her 60 year old lardass customers are at risk of real problems.

What I would really like is for a spa to say they test all their girls for antibodies and they are all immune!