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Married Mongers


Messages: 1,942
Reviews: 176
sex is an addiction like drinking, smoking, whatever. If you enjoy it, and are obsessed with it, you have to have it. 1x per week may be a lot for some but for me it's not remotely ok. If I could I would monger at least once a week. But it's not possible. So instead I watch a lot of porn after everyone goes sleep. I hate wasting a nut when I know there are hungry hot Asian whores out there who would rather work it out of you. I just can't help myself. Yes I feel bad at times. But it's an addiction.


Review Contributor
Messages: 7,980
Reviews: 168
There’s more to being a man than getting your dick sucked on a regular basis. A lot more. There’s the love of your partner. Raising a healthy, happy family. Building a successful career and having your shit together not just for you but for all these people who respect and admire you. To me, THAT’S being tested like a man.

In our younger days, my wife and I were swingers. We’ve been to on-premise clubs and house parties from Miami to Boston. The highlight being her surprising me with a three girl reverse gangbang (she was the third girl) for my 30th birthday. We’ve done it all and while I don’t tell her about my little snacks because she’s moved on from all that and loves just being a wife, a mom and a career woman and no longer a hotwife, she’s also stopped prying too much and I think she’s content with me coming home happy, healthy and consistently every single night.

My commitment to my family and their love for me is solid and if a massage gets a bit randy or if my wife can’t perform, it has no bearing on my manhood. That was left back in my immature days when I believed that a guy’s ‘body count’ proved how much of a man he was. Now I see what true manhood is, and isn’t, really about.
I never mentioned body count. What you quoted simply said neither extreme is good. There is far more to life than just sex. I haven't Hobbied in about 4 mos. I've had a gf for over 5 mos. We have sex 3-4xs a week. She's awesome head is amazing long periods of time. Shes gotten better at that and sex has always been good.

So since she has been satisfying me and I'm extremely attracted to her I don't feel the need to increase my BODY COUNT.

I agree sex isn't everything even though I fuck her every day I've seen her except for one or two days ever past 8+ mos. The majority of the time is spent talking, eating, laughing, spending time with each other. Family you mentioned is extremely important.

However neglect isn't cool on either party. Wife neglecting her husbands needs is a no-no in my book.


Some people call me a space cowbunny...
Messages: 689
Reviews: 26
I'm happily married, but my the drive slowed down over the past few years, so I tried out this AMP that one of my friends had told me about.

At the beginning, I was only going for HJs, and to destress with the massage. Eventually, I heard about a provider that offered rimming. I'm a huge fan of porn with rimming, but never could see my wife doing something like that. And to be honest, I don't think I would want my wife doing it, just out of respect for her.

So alas... I ventured over to the AMP and had an amazing time. I still save FS for my wife, but everything is fair game.

Do I feel guilty? Of course, but I'm lucky if I get any at home more than 4-6 times a year. So I supplement my needs elsewhere.


Review Contributor
Messages: 7,980
Reviews: 168
I'm happily married, but my the drive slowed down over the past few years, so I tried out this AMP that one of my friends had told me about.

At the beginning, I was only going for HJs, and to destress with the massage. Eventually, I heard about a provider that offered rimming. I'm a huge fan of porn with rimming, but never could see my wife doing something like that. And to be honest, I don't think I would want my wife doing it, just out of respect for her.

So alas... I ventured over to the AMP and had an amazing time. I still save FS for my wife, but everything is fair game.

Do I feel guilty? Of course, but I'm lucky if I get any at home more than 4-6 times a year. So I supplement my needs elsewhere.
This is the type of post I'm talking about. Lucky to have sex 4-6 x's a year??!! Ik it's a saying but damn that's just not giving a fuck up about your partner.

Men have needs Women don't fulfill them Men either leave or cheat. Unless your wife is 60 or over imo very few excuses for her to act that way.


Registered Member
Messages: 83
Reviews: 2

Just wondering if you married fellas all go through the peaks and valleys as I do after a visit. The slight pang of guilt that soon subsides as I look forward to the next visit.

I have a beautiful Asian wife whom I love very much and I'll give her anything in the world but I can't resist the experience of having sex with strangers (mind you, I don't cheat with women at the bar or work etc. I always pay). I love the whole build up and teasing during a massage and the mystery of how it will unfold.

I know it's against the very fabric of our biological make up to not mess around, but am I a horrible person?
Well I would say you summed up pretty much how I feel and think as well so you are not alone. I have been married 3 times, great sex with first, bad with second, now my current wife it was fantastic until the kid came along and she is early 40s, me mid 50s so libido on her side is lacking and even mine has slowed down a bit but still such a rush and the feeling that makes you alive to have sex or intimate relations with someone new. Like a new intimate bond being made and something shared only between two people (even though I know it is BS on her part) . But still it can't be replaced by anything else. I actually don't think my wife would freak out that much if she knew since she knows I have always had a high sex drive. She has caught me multiple times jerking off to porn only to help me finish the job and encourages me to do what I want sexually. I think many women are OK with it as long as you make sure it is not obvious and or affects them - like bringing home a disease. Very interesting post her on this.


Desire is the opposite of death.
Messages: 1,693
Reviews: 18

Just wondering if you married fellas all go through the peaks and valleys as I do after a visit. The slight pang of guilt that soon subsides as I look forward to the next visit.

I have a beautiful Asian wife whom I love very much and I'll give her anything in the world but I can't resist the experience of having sex with strangers (mind you, I don't cheat with women at the bar or work etc. I always pay). I love the whole build up and teasing during a massage and the mystery of how it will unfold.

I know it's against the very fabric of our biological make up to not mess around, but am I a horrible person?
I think the acid test here is: what would your wife think/do if she ever found our about your activities?

For many of us, our wives have either given up on sex or made it clear that they're largely not interested. In that case, finding out that your husband is sleeping around should not be a big shock. Even if she can't find evidence of it, she may suspect it. And she may not care (look the other way) as long as its not obvious and she is still Queen of the Castle. In my case, I think my wife would be hurt, but she would also realize she has abdicated her wifely responsibilities. I took a vow of matrimony, not celibacy.

On the other hand, I can see where a wife who is still giving her sexual ALL would be confused and devastated. The whole point of her loving is to keep you interested. If that's not working, then she might consider the marriage over.

So, I can't (won't) answer the question of "Am I a horrible person?". But you might want to ponder what I said and decide for yourself.


I got lipstick stamps on my passport...
Messages: 713
Reviews: 21
Even if my wife suspects, I'm pretty sure there'd be some consequences, ranging from a new token of fidelity (jewelry) to "hell to pay" (a strike on all other wifely duties, such as cooking, cleaning, etc.). Not to sound chauvinistic, but we all stay in our lanes!

I've put up a good series of smokescreens, not just one, but a robust pattern of countermeasures that allow me to always know where she is when I am being naughty. This includes international travel (I work for a global company, with locations in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa/Middle East). She doesn't even know I have a Cialis script. Of course I don't shit where I eat. No coworkers, acquaintances or friends. Absolutely no one who might know us both. AMPs are ideal because she would NEVER cross paths with these women, doesn't go to Queens, and doesn't know many Asians, except my old college friends.

Without judgement, I can say there is no fucking way I would go over a week without sex, unless the doctor has ordered it. I have a PSA test coming up, and orgasms raise the PSA number. So I will refrain to push the number to baseline. Then after the test, I beeline to the spa to clean out the pipes.


Registered Member
Messages: 321
Reviews: 7
Even if my wife suspects, I'm pretty sure there'd be some consequences, ranging from a new token of fidelity (jewelry) to "hell to pay" (a strike on all other wifely duties, such as cooking, cleaning, etc.). Not to sound chauvinistic, but we all stay in our lanes!

I've put up a good series of smokescreens, not just one, but a robust pattern of countermeasures that allow me to always know where she is when I am being naughty. This includes international travel (I work for a global company, with locations in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa/Middle East). She doesn't even know I have a Cialis script. Of course I don't shit where I eat. No coworkers, acquaintances or friends. Absolutely no one who might know us both. AMPs are ideal because she would NEVER cross paths with these women, doesn't go to Queens, and doesn't know many Asians, except my old college friends.

Without judgement, I can say there is no fucking way I would go over a week without sex, unless the doctor has ordered it. I have a PSA test coming up, and orgasms raise the PSA number. So I will refrain to push the number to baseline. Then after the test, I beeline to the spa to clean out the pipes.
Are you also keeping track of what your wife is doing while you are away on business? lol. Just messing with you.


Review Contributor
Messages: 541
Reviews: 6
When I was a much younger man I had a SO that was 8 years older. We had a very, shall I say, robust? sex life. I had to travel a bit for biz. She used to say to me "Drunk and out of town doesn't count - just don't tell me" and "it is OK if you fuck them, just don't talk to them". Smart lady! Should have married her.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,571
Reviews: 34
For real? I've never heard a single one say that. And I don't think its because my dick was in their mouth.
I’ve heard that a couple of times. Most recently from a MMS when they started cracking down on provider advertising. She couldn’t understand why they were trying to limit this business; said it was a great help to guys who were unhappily married or guys that couldn’t find GFs. She added that it also cut down on number of rapes because guys were “decompressed” at the spas. Personally, I thought this was a load of BS, but maybe she needed to justify in her mind that she was involved in something positive


Some people call me a space cowbunny...
Messages: 689
Reviews: 26
For real? I've never heard a single one say that. And I don't think its because my dick was in their mouth.
By "providers" I think he is referring to escorts... They say that shit all the time. AMP providers on the other hand, probably say stuff like that in their own language, but around us they just smile and knod.