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Review Contributor
Messages: 360
Reviews: 9
Has anyone ever done the "sleepover" option ?

Spas have it for some crazy prices but some indies offer it for the price of 1 pop Manhattan sessions!

If you have done it, what did it entail?

If you haven't done it , but are interested then what is your reason for delaying?

Appreciate all feedback.

PS work had been hectic and I'm thinking if I can get a 10 hr session for a few hundred with MSOG then I'll be good for a few weeks, maybe even month.



Review Contributor
Messages: 543
Reviews: 1
I have been wondering about this also. Some of the independents charge like 5k for this. I would definitely try it for a few hundred. Please point me in the right direction on where you have seen those prices.


Review Contributor
Messages: 360
Reviews: 9
I have been wondering about this also. Some of the independents charge like 5k for this. I would definitely try it for a few hundred. Please point me in the right direction on where you have seen those prices.
Well it's a regular of mine so I think she's comfortable enough to offer plus I'm busy now and don't visit much as I used to.

Trying to get that money from me lol


Registered Member
Messages: 529
Has anyone ever done the "sleepover" option ?

Spas have it for some crazy prices but some indies offer it for the price of 1 pop Manhattan sessions!

If you have done it, what did it entail?

If you haven't done it , but are interested then what is your reason for delaying?

Appreciate all feedback.

PS work had been hectic and I'm thinking if I can get a 10 hr session for a few hundred with MSOG then I'll be good for a few weeks, maybe even month.

Talking about FI? asian only spots


Review Contributor
Messages: 2,041
Reviews: 21
A few indies offered an overnight stay w/o any additional charge. Just stay and sleep together, morning fun again, have breakfast together and leave by around 10am. No restrictions in between, if both agree. This is rare, but it's there. Good luck. Warning: if the apartment is shared (which in most cases is), your overnight stay may not be too comfortable if the roommate works late hours.


Registered Member
Messages: 334
Reviews: 12
I once got really fucked up and ended up going to see Eevee at metro girls at 9pm.
I actually had a hotel room in Manhattan that night because I didn't wanna travel back to Queens while I was wasted.
For reasons I can't remember I ended up asking Eevee to come back to my hotel room with her and I told her I would give her $2000 if she did. She actually took my number and when the session was over I was on the sidewalk outside waiting for my uber and she calls me saying "I'm coming downstairs now wait a min."
We got to my hotel and we fucked a bit more but I couldn't finish cause I was too drunk. In the morning I got inside her and busted a massive creampie in her lol. (I'll never forger her reaction.) She said "Did you CAME?!?!? YOU CAME!!!!!!" Funniest BBFSCIP I have ever had.

With all that said.
No it isn't worth it to pay these AMP girls to spend the night with you. Maybe try it one time just to see how it is but you will probably see it makes little sense to have them for the night for the prices that they ask.


Registered Member
Messages: 397
Reviews: 4
My idea is that split that 1500 sleep over fee to 6-7 different girls. Try different girls . Tbh for overnight, you can only do 3 pops. Unless you are really really good. Finding call girl is all about freshness and excitement. I would not see the same girl more than 3 times
Like being married if you do see someone more than 3 times


Review Contributor
Messages: 326
Reviews: 2
I have had a few massage women sleep over my house. The relationship was somewhere between friends/good customer, but not romantic. I all cases, they never asked for or expected money (true). The best I could figure out, that just like we have kinky desires, some of them wanted have sex where my wife slept (she was on vacation). And they wanted me to discuss what sex was like with her and other women.


Review Contributor
Messages: 425
Reviews: 37
I’ve done it several times with Indies. But it’s the exception. The best was a weekend away with one who no longer works here. Spent the weekend upstate in a nice hotel and she never asked for money. She thanked me again for several nice meals, a beautiful hotel and, mostly a normal weekend. And the sex was ridiculous.


Review Contributor
Messages: 17
Reviews: 6
Haven’t paid that type of $ for sleepovers (and personally wouldn’t cause it’s doable without paying) but like some guys have mentioned, if they like you it’s easy to take them home no charge. Just be a gentleman take em out to eat or something, chat with them don’t be robotic lol


Registered Member
Messages: 188
Reviews: 2
Has anyone ever done the "sleepover" option ?

Spas have it for some crazy prices but some indies offer it for the price of 1 pop Manhattan sessions!

If you have done it, what did it entail?

If you haven't done it , but are interested then what is your reason for delaying?

Appreciate all feedback.

PS work had been hectic and I'm thinking if I can get a 10 hr session for a few hundred with MSOG then I'll be good for a few weeks, maybe even month.

I'm just explaining what happened, I am not going to reveal the girl or the spa (although she has been reviewed here before), because some guys will tip extra and they'll ruin the prices...

I did overnight with a spa girl, but I was the one that suggested it. I've seen her quite a few times, easily over 20 times. I also took her to hotel about 5 times (this is for contex, because I didn't just go and ask a girl that doesn't know me or is uncomfortable being alone with me).

We were messaging each other and she asks me to come over. I asked her if she can come to my house, my first time asking anyone. She asked me how much I wanted to give her, and I told her to make a suggestion. She said $400. I countered with $300, she said yes.

(I thought it was only going to be for an hour or so, then she said she's going to tell her roommate she's not coming home tonight...)

Took her home, watched some TV (she doesn't speak English), then we took separate showers. We get in the bedroom & started to play. She let me bang her multiple times throughout the night, never said no, & let me pop anywhere I wanted. We did it again in the morning. Did this 3-4 times with her, made her breakfast the last few times also.

Her performance at home was way better than it was in the spa, totally different person. But I definitely wouldn't expect this performance increase from every girl.

I plan on asking a different girl, but I'm pretty sure she'll say no. She doesn't know me too well, and I only saw her about 4 times (3 last year, once this year) and I ignore her when she calls me over.


Review Contributor
Messages: 360
Reviews: 9
Thanks for all the feedback.

I'd take them to a hotel, not my place. Like a crazy ex gf it could be trouble down the line know where I live.

Staying st their place would be OK if she lives alone which some of these women do.

I think going away for a few days would be cool too if the chemistry is there.

I could see a trip to AC or Manhattan as a fun time too

Thanks peeps