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Review: Wei Wei at QQ Spa


Review Contributor
Messages: 249
Reviews: 49
Title: Review: Wei Wei at QQ Spa
Date: Aug 29, 2018
Phone: (215) 715-7636
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Address: 1342 Lombard St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Activities: Massage, HJ
Age Estimate: 25
Nationality: Chinese
Physical Description: Very tight and thin
Summary: Wei Wei is a beautiful Chinese girl who offers a nice massage

Recommendation: Yes


A sage with delusions of self appointed authority
Messages: 4,786
Reviews: 58
It might be the spa policy preventing her to go further. I know first hand she has a liberal menu, under the right circumstances.


Review Contributor
Messages: 249
Reviews: 49
Some light touching, but the top never came off. Unfortunately, I think she is pretty set on not giving up the goods! A real shame because she was one of my favorites. Damages were 60/60. There was another woman there who I would like to try but it was her last day. I would go back and try another provider.


Review Contributor
Messages: 253
Reviews: 47
I’ve seen Wei Wei when she was with Michelle, and she’s always been a little shy. I think I got her top off though. I do know that QQ Spa has always been one of the more modest spas, but I was able to get Carmen to go topless for me awhile back. Can’t remember if it was 60 or 80 more for that, but it was worth it. Carmen is such a sweet adorable (and young looking) girl. Have to get back there and see her sometime soon.

Kant... can you PM me with some more info about how liberal Wei Wei was for you in the past?


Review Contributor
Messages: 249
Reviews: 49
I went to QQ yesterday and had a Vietnamese girl, however I forgot her name so I can't write a review. Pretty much the same visit as my other QQ visits.


A sage with delusions of self appointed authority
Messages: 4,786
Reviews: 58
Back in the day Wei was very friendly, I am not alone among mongers who had her all the way. Again, it's a YMMV thing. QQ may NEVER allow any of their girls to perform BJ or FS. Michele's operation was more sky's the limit.