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Review: Tina 785

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Review Contributor
Messages: 225
Reviews: 13
ive had similar experience at different location but the next time the provider profusely apologized and made it up to me…these girls need a way to let loose sometimes so they drink… cant expect great service late at night


Review Contributor
Messages: 20
Tina is wild but lately she does drink a lot while doing this; not really defending this guy actions, dude sounds like a typical guy who likes his way, and pissing at a place is just the most douchy way a person can be. Possible a trump supporter lol
Trump would find the owner of the building, buy the building off, kick the spa out, open a new spot with hot Russian chicks, #MAGA


Review Contributor
Messages: 430
Reviews: 23
whoa Whoa WHOAAAAAA..... I Have been called alotttttt of things in my life but being called a scumbag piece of sh....thats a first! well let me tell u something sir there was 2 people that night that sure as HELL represented what u just called me....first it was the piece of crap mamasan who is nothing more then a glorified DOORMAN whose job is it to answer the door and lead the customers to the room....this woman should be THANKING us for coming instead of acting like we owe her something....and the scumbag of the night was tina who decided to white girl trash drink instead of accomadating to her customers...if im gonna pay 1.60 to meet 2 aholes for an hour then ill just invite my gf and her mom to a dinner at red lobsters and leave
disaappointed as always....both these broads have one job each to do and they should do it accordingly......for example, hey dietwater, if i was your doctor and i had to burn off your genital warts and prescribe you medicine, I can't do it PISSED DRUNK right because you expect me to do it the right way....hey G'sstang, if i was your lawyer and your going thru a divorce after your wife catches you banging these hoes, i cant represent you BLACKED OUT in court so you can give her as little money as possible right?...hey Mike79 if im your uber driver picking you up to go home after you "made love" to these whores, my blood alcohol cant be 3 times over the legal limit so that you can make it home safely Right?????.....who the hell does Tina think she is that she can be all shitface like if she was Billy Martin managing the Yankees...NO WAY....i EXPECT TOP QUALITY PERFORMANCE IF IM PAYING THAT MUCH....helll im already getting ripped off because they dont wanna do the full service hour and they try to cut it down to 40 minutes....and PLEASEEEEEEE dont give me this ooooo tina probably services like 10 guys a day well guess what shes been doing this for about close to 3 years now and no she is not HANDCUFFED to the sink after work and i am sure she has paid whoever she had to pay to get here so if this job is getting to be too much for her well she can cross the street and start working at KFC where you can drink all day long if you for mamasan hey listen i dont expect the red carpet treatment or hell i dont expect to be respected in the same class like president obama(lol am i still a trump supporter) but dont fucking open the door and look at me as if im the dictator from North Korea that ruined her life to make her come all the way here to Passaic nj......and im a scumbag??????!!!!....oh and one last thing ummmm guys im pretty sure they saw what happened in that room because when mamasan came out screaming to me in chinese at the end im pretty sure she wasnt saying THANK YOU SIR PLEASE COME AGAIN so im assuming unless they are straight up pigs they cleaned up the always my fellow mongers please stay safe
What gives you the right to piss on a massage table? You must be one of those 50yr old cry babies. You must piss on the barbers chair when your not happy with a haircut , or piss on the table at the red lobster when your not happy with a meal, you sound like a very unhappy and miserable person. Start by getting out of your unhappy relationship with your gf, gets rid of her and the mother. Take some time off from going to the spa or seeing girls, save some money and go to a better place that isn’t in PASSAIC where you can do anything and everything with the girls for 160.


Review Contributor
Messages: 792
Reviews: 32
Amateur hour. So, MMS didn't kiss your ass and Tina was hitting the sauce too hard. Boo hoo, boo hoo! Here's a thought. Take your 160 and put it towards your first (hopefully of many) psychotherapy sessions. Everyone has a bad experience or two or three at spas. It's just going to happen now and again. But, we don't go around pissing all over massage tables. Hopefully, they printed a picture of you from their security cameras, shared it with other spas and banned you permanently.


Registered Member
Messages: 59
Reviews: 5
Funniest thread I've read in a while. Nothing in the spas are sanitary, but in my 15 years of mongering, this might be a first. At least he didn't do an Amber Heard on the table. I was thinking of going to 785 some time this month, but I might skip it now.


Registered Member
Messages: 563
Reviews: 9
whoa Whoa WHOAAAAAA..... I Have been called alotttttt of things in my life but being called a scumbag piece of sh....thats a first! well let me tell u something sir there was 2 people that night that sure as HELL represented what u just called me....first it was the piece of crap mamasan who is nothing more then a glorified DOORMAN whose job is it to answer the door and lead the customers to the room....this woman should be THANKING us for coming instead of acting like we owe her something....and the scumbag of the night was tina who decided to white girl trash drink instead of accomadating to her customers...if im gonna pay 1.60 to meet 2 aholes for an hour then ill just invite my gf and her mom to a dinner at red lobsters and leave
disaappointed as always....both these broads have one job each to do and they should do it accordingly......for example, hey dietwater, if i was your doctor and i had to burn off your genital warts and prescribe you medicine, I can't do it PISSED DRUNK right because you expect me to do it the right way....hey G'sstang, if i was your lawyer and your going thru a divorce after your wife catches you banging these hoes, i cant represent you BLACKED OUT in court so you can give her as little money as possible right?...hey Mike79 if im your uber driver picking you up to go home after you "made love" to these whores, my blood alcohol cant be 3 times over the legal limit so that you can make it home safely Right?????.....who the hell does Tina think she is that she can be all shitface like if she was Billy Martin managing the Yankees...NO WAY....i EXPECT TOP QUALITY PERFORMANCE IF IM PAYING THAT MUCH....helll im already getting ripped off because they dont wanna do the full service hour and they try to cut it down to 40 minutes....and PLEASEEEEEEE dont give me this ooooo tina probably services like 10 guys a day well guess what shes been doing this for about close to 3 years now and no she is not HANDCUFFED to the sink after work and i am sure she has paid whoever she had to pay to get here so if this job is getting to be too much for her well she can cross the street and start working at KFC where you can drink all day long if you for mamasan hey listen i dont expect the red carpet treatment or hell i dont expect to be respected in the same class like president obama(lol am i still a trump supporter) but dont fucking open the door and look at me as if im the dictator from North Korea that ruined her life to make her come all the way here to Passaic nj......and im a scumbag??????!!!!....oh and one last thing ummmm guys im pretty sure they saw what happened in that room because when mamasan came out screaming to me in chinese at the end im pretty sure she wasnt saying THANK YOU SIR PLEASE COME AGAIN so im assuming unless they are straight up pigs they cleaned up the always my fellow mongers please stay safe
yes, you have a right to expect decent service. that does not give you the right to be such a disgraceful pig and urinate all over the table. that's the behaviour of a two year old , not that of a grown man.


Review Contributor
Messages: 46
Reviews: 2
whoa Whoa WHOAAAAAA..... I Have been called alotttttt of things in my life but being called a scumbag piece of sh....thats a first! well let me tell u something sir there was 2 people that night that sure as HELL represented what u just called me....first it was the piece of crap mamasan who is nothing more then a glorified DOORMAN whose job is it to answer the door and lead the customers to the room....this woman should be THANKING us for coming instead of acting like we owe her something....and the scumbag of the night was tina who decided to white girl trash drink instead of accomadating to her customers...if im gonna pay 1.60 to meet 2 aholes for an hour then ill just invite my gf and her mom to a dinner at red lobsters and leave
disaappointed as always....both these broads have one job each to do and they should do it accordingly......for example, hey dietwater, if i was your doctor and i had to burn off your genital warts and prescribe you medicine, I can't do it PISSED DRUNK right because you expect me to do it the right way....hey G'sstang, if i was your lawyer and your going thru a divorce after your wife catches you banging these hoes, i cant represent you BLACKED OUT in court so you can give her as little money as possible right?...hey Mike79 if im your uber driver picking you up to go home after you "made love" to these whores, my blood alcohol cant be 3 times over the legal limit so that you can make it home safely Right?????.....who the hell does Tina think she is that she can be all shitface like if she was Billy Martin managing the Yankees...NO WAY....i EXPECT TOP QUALITY PERFORMANCE IF IM PAYING THAT MUCH....helll im already getting ripped off because they dont wanna do the full service hour and they try to cut it down to 40 minutes....and PLEASEEEEEEE dont give me this ooooo tina probably services like 10 guys a day well guess what shes been doing this for about close to 3 years now and no she is not HANDCUFFED to the sink after work and i am sure she has paid whoever she had to pay to get here so if this job is getting to be too much for her well she can cross the street and start working at KFC where you can drink all day long if you for mamasan hey listen i dont expect the red carpet treatment or hell i dont expect to be respected in the same class like president obama(lol am i still a trump supporter) but dont fucking open the door and look at me as if im the dictator from North Korea that ruined her life to make her come all the way here to Passaic nj......and im a scumbag??????!!!!....oh and one last thing ummmm guys im pretty sure they saw what happened in that room because when mamasan came out screaming to me in chinese at the end im pretty sure she wasnt saying THANK YOU SIR PLEASE COME AGAIN so im assuming unless they are straight up pigs they cleaned up the always my fellow mongers please stay safe
I completely understand how annoying and frustrating a bad appt can be. We all do. Shit happens in this hobby just gotta roll with the punches sometimes. Genuinely sorry to hear about your bad experience and hope your next one is better.

But dude, you golden showered a f*cking table that other guys are gonna be laying on. Not normal. Also, paragraphs.


Messages: 189
Reviews: 8
No excuse for pissing on a bed others will be lying on no matter how bad the service was. As soon as she entered the room drunk you should have told her you wanted someone else. If no one wax available you run over to Gold. It’s your own fault you stuck with her when you knew from the start it was not going to work out.
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