Title: Review: Private Liaisons Abbie
Date: Oct 2, 2023
Phone: Book on privateliaisons.com
City: King of Prussia
State: Pa
Location: Hotel
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 375
Nationality: Latina
Age Estimate: Early 20s
Physical Description: Very cute little spinner with great curves. PL always blurs faces, but she was cuter than I expected. Kind of a hot yet mousey look.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Oct 2, 2023
Phone: Book on privateliaisons.com
City: King of Prussia
State: Pa
Location: Hotel
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 375
Nationality: Latina
Age Estimate: Early 20s
Physical Description: Very cute little spinner with great curves. PL always blurs faces, but she was cuter than I expected. Kind of a hot yet mousey look.
Recommendation: Yes