Title: Review: Lovelyn at FKG
Date: Aug 1, 2023
Phone: 650-788-7880
City: San Mateo
State: CA
Location: Whole Foods
House Fee and Tip (if applicable) $300 + $20
Age Estimate: 28-32
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: 5'2", very slender, cutest butt ever. Fairly close to her picts with just a touch more rounded face.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Aug 1, 2023
Phone: 650-788-7880
City: San Mateo
State: CA
Location: Whole Foods
House Fee and Tip (if applicable) $300 + $20
Age Estimate: 28-32
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: 5'2", very slender, cutest butt ever. Fairly close to her picts with just a touch more rounded face.
Recommendation: Yes