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Review: HT Rainbow - “Seven” Again!


Review Contributor
Messages: 26
Reviews: 10
Title: Review: HT Rainbow - “Seven” Again!
Date: Sep 2, 2023
Phone: 302-369-8888
City: Newark
State: DE
Location: Strip mall off route 40
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 40 + 1.6
Ethnic background: Chinese
Age Estimate: High 40s
Physical Description: Petite frame with a little in the midsection

Recommendation: Yes


Registered Member
Messages: 1,191
Reviews: 1
Can’t confirm on seven being there but they changed the name of this place to “seven spa” or something with “seven” in the name which I thought was interesting. I did want to see her as well.


Registered Member
Messages: 45
Is there a new contact number, I have not heard back from them. Was wondering if they were shutdown.


Registered Member
Messages: 1,191
Reviews: 1
Finally heard back. Was told Seven is on vacation, back soon. Offered Tina in her place. Anyone have experience with Tina?
Thanks for the intel. Drive by this morning and open for business now called “hui rui seven” number unchanged. Things are so hectic with Xmas stuff but might visit in early January. Would prefer seven.


Registered Member
Messages: 45
Bit the bullet and took a walking today with Coco, possibly mms. Seemed older and was well dressed. Very good TM and hit all the right spots.


Registered Member
Messages: 45
yup- park around back and go in the back, front entrance is like 20 feet from rt40, you don't want to go that way! As to the "other" back door, never had that offered there! :LOL:
Never even knew there was parking back there, I thought the only way in was the front.