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Review: Gardenia Mona


Registered Member
Messages: 24
Reviews: 9
Can you elaborate on the fees? MM was $200 at the door for everything. Was this pretty much the same? or do they do HF plus tip separate? Thanks.


Review Contributor
Messages: 242
Reviews: 10
No, I mean like your encounter with like what type of service what type of body she had like how tall was she her measurements like how can you describe how she looking in person?


Review Contributor
Messages: 242
Reviews: 10
Oh my bad bro I thought you saw her. Yeah I know it’s too bad but like there’s other places like I heard green tea is good spring is good. Tokyo is good. Luckily they got these places still thank God.


Review Contributor
Messages: 242
Reviews: 10
Title: Review: Gardenia Mona
Date: Sep 6, 2023
City: Orlando
State: Fl
Location: Near Universal
House Fee & Tip (if applicable)
Age Estimate
: 30ish
Physical Description: Smoking hot Latina type booty

Recommendation: Yes
You don’t have to write a review, but what type of body she had and how tall is she? She looks very interesting.