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Review: Emerald Spa - Wendy


Review Contributor
Messages: 357
Reviews: 45
Her name is Mindy. Not very good English has been mistaken for Wendy more than once. I had the exact same session Saturday pretty much. I won’t have to write a review! When I got there I called and asked him if I could use the back door and I was allowed. The other girl there is Bindi’s sister but I don’t know what her name is. They look similar


Review Contributor
Messages: 357
Reviews: 45
Her name is Mindy. Not very good English has been mistaken for Wendy more than once. I had the exact same session Saturday pretty much. I won’t have to write a review! When I got there I called and asked him if I could use the back door and I was allowed. The other girl there is Bindi’s sister but I don’t know what her name is. They look similar
Sorry. Mindys sister and not him, them. Also Friday not Saturday. Didn’t double check before I hit send


Review Contributor
Messages: 357
Reviews: 45
I wonder if they’re up for a 4 hand…
I’m pretty sure they would. I had Mindys sister come in and help a little. The ten minutes she was in she was giving mindy instructions in their language. That’s when I noticed the facial similarities. Don’t know the sisters name. Tipped her a little too.