Title: Review: Eastern cozy. Thought I asked for Coco and wound up with Cici
Date: Oct 9, 2023
Phone: 646-288-7499
City: Woodland Park
State: Garden
Location: Close to 7-11
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + tip
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: Late 30’s
Physical Description: Cute girl. About 5’3/4”, black hair past the shoulders, soft skin and decent mm c’s
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Oct 9, 2023
Phone: 646-288-7499
City: Woodland Park
State: Garden
Location: Close to 7-11
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + tip
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: Late 30’s
Physical Description: Cute girl. About 5’3/4”, black hair past the shoulders, soft skin and decent mm c’s
Recommendation: Yes