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Visiting Lake Placid and Lake George need help up there


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,662
Reviews: 14
Lake placid will have absolutely nothing. Lake George has some googlable AMP options. You’ll definitely be paying a premium & will need a modicum of game for any extras.


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,496
Reviews: 54
Few months back I believe I saw a review of a spa in Glen Falls. Also there is a good legit place next to a sport shop in Lake Placid. Book in advance though.


Registered Member
Messages: 2
Asian Spa Queensbury off exit 19 will give you a decent massage with a no rush HE. BTW there is no shower. It's located in a shopping center so there is plenty of parking. 518-409-4808. There is also Glen Spa on Glen Street in Glens Falls. Similar service, no shower, street parking. 518-832-3698. Good luck!


Registered Member
Messages: 141
Reviews: 9
Asian Spa Queensbury off exit 19 will give you a decent massage with a no rush HE. BTW there is no shower. It's located in a shopping center so there is plenty of parking. 518-409-4808. There is also Glen Spa on Glen Street in Glens Falls. Similar service, no shower, street parking. 518-832-3698. Good luck!
Thanks for the info