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Singapore intel?


BFE to your GFE
Messages: 1,745
Reviews: 19
Will be going to Singapore for presenting a conference in ten days, staying there for maybe a week or more. I see some intel around our site but I hope anyone has some good modern intel? I know there are cultural conservatism there so I would prefer to have some good intel rather than stab around in the dark in a possibly dangerous country for this hobby.

Thanks in advance gents :)


Review Contributor
Messages: 11
Reviews: 5
Go to Greylang. Even numbered streets (lorangs)16, 18, 20. Brothels to your hearts delight. Walk in pick a WL and do your business. Completely legal in that part of town.

It's the independents and massage places that theoretically could get you into trouble.

lttle guy

Review Contributor
Messages: 77
I spent all of November in Singapore, while I agree with the greylang comment my personal preference was to see freelancers at my hotel or their residence.

I saw one young woman multiple times and told the front desk she could come and go as she wanted, I was staying at a top property across the road from one convention center and assume the hotel often had escorts meeting clients, though you typically did not see them hanging out in the hotel bars.

The exception being the Sands where I heard you could always pick up girls in the rooftop bar. Wasn’t my thing.


BFE to your GFE
Messages: 1,745
Reviews: 19
Thanks gents, good infos! I wonder, is there a website or something like we have here like STG or Tryst for girls to advertise or you have to locate the people personally?

lttle guy

Review Contributor
Messages: 77
You’ll find the occasional agency here, but 95% of ads are freelancers. My experience is the Singapore born and most Vietnamese and Taiwanese girls have decent English. Only the Chinese girls who have been in Singapore for 2-3 years do.


BFE to your GFE
Messages: 1,745
Reviews: 19
So, am here in the Singapore. Is hot and it's only 0600! I was up at 4 and it was already almost 80F lol

On mongering front, I hit it off with concierge at the hotel I am staying at, and asked him to hook me up with some opportunities. Is a lounge type place I am going to this afternoon after my conference presentation. Supposedly you hang out and chill with a bunch of ladies and dudes on couches and such, and then if you like girl you chat her up and make deal or whatever then go. Or just hang out and have a good time. I'm so fucked up from the jetlag who knows how far I go! Anyway, will have intel later if I survive :)


Review Contributor
Messages: 11
Reviews: 5
I'm curious how your experience was. I wondered around and found some KTV lounges as well. Ladies are like wolves in there, it was nice to have so much attention.


BFE to your GFE
Messages: 1,745
Reviews: 19
Wrote up a kind of review, but it was too much. Here's the tldr version.

So concierge set me up with this lounge place. No signage, completely non descript, like "behind the facade of this innocent looking book store..."

If you've ever seen the film Pretty Baby, the scenes where the dudes and the gals and the MMS are hanging around, playing cards, shooting the shit, eating a feast, disappearing to go fucking, this was exactly what was happening. There were gals of most every ethnicity, and most spoke in great British accents.

One morning I got a Pakistani doll with BLUE EYES, she and I hit it off because I saw her get-up and guessed if she might speak Pashto, and she DID! Very dark brown everywhere, and black black black nips and slit and starfish. Couldn't have drawn her better if I had some crayons. PM for the dirtiest details, but can say for sure that this was a great session, she was very very very accommodating and even enthusiastic about indulging my tastes.

That afternoon after presentation, went back and found literally every girl that was there in the morning was not there. Completely new gang. This time, my concierge went with me, and introduced me to MMS properly. She is a British Chinese lady, with an Australian accent. I asked her a few times if she was SURE she didn't provide, I would have been able to safely die to hear a Chinese lady say some dirty stuff with that Aussie accent. Anyway. I told her about my morning with her Pashtun gal, and she giggled, that most of the gals would have kicked me in the balls for the things that this gal was so enthusiastic about. Sometimes I wonder how does my luck hit so hard! I asked her to show me who is the most submissive doll, I kind of felt like hard fucking and some play-acting. MMS brought over a gal she said was "local", looked like Thai, with that face like you think she could be half Chinese and half San, you know, Thai. What she did no tell me, was this is a tranny. Very great episode, again enjoyed very much.

I went to personally thank MMS and tip her, she refused the tip, but enjoyed the compliment. I spent the next hour hanging around, met a few fun mongers from Germany, we chatted a bit, I don't get to speak German very often so I took opportunity. Dinner came out, and wow it was amazing. I was super hungry, so it's possible the dinner was a 7 out of 10, but I give it a 10. There were gals and mongers all around the table chatting and eating and playing. Some gals were dancing in lingerie after the dinner. I had to get to sleep for my early morning keynote speech, so I intended to leave. MMS asked me if I wanted to take a gal "home" with me to hotel. Strange gals strange country there for business, no I don't think I made a mistake by declining.

Next morning after my speech, I left my team to deal with new customers and various industry people asking questions. I wanted one last ride at the lounge, roll the dice and see what randomness comes up. Or another ride with either of my two previous. I had paid about a 600$ to this point, I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend more, or just hang a little, tip out some gals and then jet. Singapore to US is a terrible jetlag, last time I did interior China to US it took me three days to get my body back to normal time function. The gal I saw the first morning was there again, I guess she works the early shift, or the night shift and I caught her at end of day.

This gal giggled and kept asking about dirty stuff. I guess either she's into that kind of thing, or she was just playing it up for me. Either way, awesome. She had a friend, an African, she kept asking if I wanted them both. This African was dark. Superdark. Like as dark as you can imagine and then make it darker still. Totally intrigued. You only live once, and I for sure never see AA providers here in the states. Get it while you can, right? So the first gal said she wanted to watch, and that was hot! They did a lot of interplay with each other, making a show of it, and then they offered double BBJ. I had told the Pashtun gal the day before that I prefer BBJ to fucking, in general, and she I guess remembered. They made a whole big deal of it, hamming it up, spitting, kissing each other, sticking fingers inside me, and edging me to the max. Dudes, a 45 minute double BBJ, edging style, if I didn't have anything to come back to in the States, I might have liked to stay. When I was about to cum, they played it up again, each one trying to point the loaded gun at her mouth, and of course the first shots landing between them where their cheeks touched.

Total for three sessions plus the hanging around was 1100$, I had heard that Singapore could be a lot cheaper, but I feel like I might have gotten put in a place where there is no New Lower Price signs. Three sessions that I give 23 stars out of 10, each. The gals in my home area are going to have some out of the ordinary requests coming soon; I feel like if these gals in Singapore can do these things and have such a good time, it might be time for my local dolls to step it up!

I have the contact info for this MMS, I will share, but please this is no for everyone so I will have to be a little umm selective, pls take no offense. Omitted details of sessions I will enjoy to share in PM if you like to hear. Was a blast and I highly highly recommend.


Review Contributor
Messages: 81
Reviews: 23
Great write up and links to the other resources — gonna take me a while to wrap my head around the Sammy boy site though!
I just found out I’m going in October so I’ll be doing my research — might only have a few days total (including work stuff) so I’ll need to have a few spots lined up ahead of time. I should know my work hotel location in the next few days to help me narrow my search. Keep the info coming — Thanks!