Title: Review: Oasis - Anna and April
Date: Aug 23, 2024
Phone: (717) 636-5614
City: Millerstown
State: PA
Location: Near school
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 40/40
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 40s
Physical Description: Both pretty with black hair, Anna's long pony tail, April's shorter. Anna 5'2", April a bit taller. Both avg build w/nice tops, Anna C/D, April C
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Aug 23, 2024
Phone: (717) 636-5614
City: Millerstown
State: PA
Location: Near school
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 40/40
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 40s
Physical Description: Both pretty with black hair, Anna's long pony tail, April's shorter. Anna 5'2", April a bit taller. Both avg build w/nice tops, Anna C/D, April C
Recommendation: Yes