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Review: Hot Russians - Rita


Registered Member
Messages: 2
Reviews: 1
Title: Review: Hot Russians - Rita
Date: Nov 4, 2024
Phone: 646-464-3446
City: Manhattan
State: NY
Location: Hells Kitchen
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 300
Nationality: Caucasian
Age Estimate: 33
Physical Description: 5’3”-5’5”, fit, b-c cups, dark brown hair, pretty face with great large ass, GND vibes, no tattoo

Recommendation: Yes


Review Contributor
Messages: 78
Reviews: 52
Rita doesn’t come up. Lada and Lena come up and anyway, Russians never, ever use real photos. So, yeah, question remains for anyone who actually knows what she looks like.
If she's the same Rita I saw some years ago (I think she is), she looked like a curvier Anna Kendrick. Credit for that comparison goes to another reviewer that I can't remember


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,730
Reviews: 50
Could she also be Kristi from Ormch? Cause that describes her as well (with some Julia Louise Dreyfus thrown in).