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mongering sex vs SO sex


Review Contributor
Messages: 433
Reviews: 20
Does anyone experience under performing sex (ability to stay hard or experience decreased libido) with your significant other b/c you have been mongering too much? Does mongering fuck up your mind like the way porn addiction does?


Review Contributor
Messages: 813
Reviews: 13
Does anyone experience under performing sex (ability to stay hard or experience decreased libido) with your significant other b/c you have been mongering too much? Does mongering fuck up your mind like the way porn addiction does?
I think it does. But everyone is different. I wish i never started in retrospect. But too late now.


Review Contributor
Messages: 427
Reviews: 45
I think it depends on the person and the circumstances but I certainly think it can. There are several factors at play. One is how sexually attracted you are to your SO and how much sexual chemistry there is with that person. There are guys out there that marry women they aren't that attracted to but are good women, who they love and respect and have common interests with. If you are out mongering with 7/8s regularly and you aren't that attracted to your SO then getting aroused is going to be more of a challenge. Some of it is probably age and health related as well. If you are 28 years old in great health with high T, then it probably isn't going to be that much of an issue. If you are a 55 smoker who is overweight it's going to be more challenging. I think it's different than porn addiction but there are similarities because its impacts arousal. But again, a lot of this is specific to the individual.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,105
Reviews: 144
I've never had an SO so I won't comment on that.

Been seeing providers since I was 19.
And will fuck up your mind.
But I really didn't have a choice, and my mind was already fucked up for a long time before 19.

If any guys reading this DO have alternatives, I would advise to stay clear of providers.
Like Nancy Reagan used to say...DON'T DO IT!


Review Contributor
Messages: 277
Reviews: 18
Quite simply being with the same woman such as a wife or long-term girlfriend for so long gets boring. Meeting new attractive providers will be exciting and get your juices flowing. Plus you don't have to deal with the providers drama or BS. But you do have to hear it from your wife. To quote Charlie Sheen, " I don't pay escorts for sex, I pay them to leave when we're done"...( not exact words but close)...


Review Contributor
Messages: 150
Reviews: 8
I was lucky in that my wife (who was beautiful) and I enjoyed watching and mimmicking porn together well into our 40s and the first 20 years or so of marriage. Then, like most everyone else, sexual urge began to drindle. But at least I had a great sex life for longer than lots of married guys. Never cheated on her in almost 50 years. Now that my wife is no longer with us and I am a bachelor again, I wish there were more non-Asian providers so I could have some variety in my old age.


Registered Member
Messages: 27
Reviews: 5
Does anyone experience under performing sex (ability to stay hard or experience decreased libido) with your significant other b/c you have been mongering too much? Does mongering fuck up your mind like the way porn addiction does?
It will ruin your relationship and sex life with your s.o. Make sure you save some D for her.


Review Contributor
Messages: 54
Reviews: 15
Yes hooked on asian women .. . Yes hooked on young women .. .Yes hooked on petite-slender.. .Yes hooked on attractive.. .Yes on preferences .. .NO one said it was going to be eazy.


Review Contributor
Messages: 461
Reviews: 94
I was lucky in that my wife (who was beautiful) and I enjoyed watching and mimmicking porn together well into our 40s and the first 20 years or so of marriage. Then, like most everyone else, sexual urge began to drindle. But at least I had a great sex life for longer than lots of married guys. Never cheated on her in almost 50 years. Now that my wife is no longer with us and I am a bachelor again, I wish there were more non-Asian providers so I could have some variety in my old age.
Is mongering cheating when your
True it becomes nonexistent
Thus, mongering.