For a while I was unintentionally doing an experiment where sometimes I had my band on, sometimes I wasn't wearing it. I noticed at one point, having the same thought, and thought back on my experiences and realized that I think I had gotten better service with my band on. So I started paying attention and I would say i got better service with it on.*
My explanation is that these girls know many of the guys coming in are married, so it's not like some shock to them that a man might be married and partake in the hobby. So there is no real drawback to wearing it, generally speaking. However, wearing it indicates that you were able to have a normal relationship with at least one woman who chose to spend the rest of her life with you, so it probably makes them a bit more comfortable that the guy in the room isn't some weirdo. Much in the same way that a repeat customer has built a level of trust with the provider.
So, if I remember, I always wear it.
*caveat is that this was purely anecdotal and the sample size wasn't that large. So take it with a huge grain of salt.