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Birth control


Registered Member
Messages: 56
Reviews: 9
I know that most times a condom is used but it's not 100% effective. Curious to know how often these providers get pregnant and what happens then?


Same starks43, same wit, just on a new forum
Messages: 246
Reviews: 6
This will sound like a cold answer, but its real
99% of the time women get pregnant when they want to.
I have been in a no condom, live in relationship since 2002. The girl in her 20s never accidentally got pregnant, married again in my 30s, the late 20s healthy wife never got accidentally pregnant.
But the one time I have a mistress , she accidentally gets pregnant

In 20 years of this hobby, I have never seen or heard of a story where a girl got knocked up while working. When they get knocked up, its usually by some guy they know and never one of us. Its like they know what day they can get pregnant, and act on it when they want it. I dont believe in accidents with women over 25


Registered Member
Messages: 563
Reviews: 9
This will sound like a cold answer, but its real
99% of the time women get pregnant when they want to.
I have been in a no condom, live in relationship since 2002. The girl in her 20s never accidentally got pregnant, married again in my 30s, the late 20s healthy wife never got accidentally pregnant.
But the one time I have a mistress , she accidentally gets pregnant

In 20 years of this hobby, I have never seen or heard of a story where a girl got knocked up while working. When they get knocked up, its usually by some guy they know and never one of us. Its like they know what day they can get pregnant, and act on it when they want it. I dont believe in accidents with women over 25
um, I can tell you that Karliane got pregnant from working. Bianca was fucking pissed that she had to organise and pay for the abortion. (apparently) I don't understand why some of these girls are not on extra birth control.
I had another situation where the condom came off in a girl, bianca expected me to go and get the emergency contraceptive pill.
the truth is, getting pregnant actually takes a lot of different factors. I've been with multiple girlfriends that were not in birth control, and we didn't use condoms, and they never got pregnant. then one woman got pregnant from me and gave me my kid (although I am clinically infertile).


Registered Member
Messages: 205
Reviews: 6
um, I can tell you that Karliane got pregnant from working. Bianca was fucking pissed that she had to organise and pay for the abortion. (apparently) I don't understand why some of these girls are not on extra birth control.
I had another situation where the condom came off in a girl, bianca expected me to go and get the emergency contraceptive pill.
the truth is, getting pregnant actually takes a lot of different factors. I've been with multiple girlfriends that were not in birth control, and we didn't use condoms, and they never got pregnant. then one woman got pregnant from me and gave me my kid (although I am clinically infertile).
I’m curious as to why Bianca would have to arrange and pay for this. Karliane made enough money in a good day to pay for it on her own, even if was after 13 weeks. She was one who could top 20 plus guys in a day. Also, what is extra birth control? A prescribed medicine along with an IUD device? lol


Same starks43, same wit, just on a new forum
Messages: 246
Reviews: 6
young man, I have never gotten any woman accidentally pregnant, but if I had a dollar for every STORY and allegation I got from a woman I was sleeping with that she WAS or IS pregnant id be rich. Women lie, prostitutes lie more. Attention, validation and money are their drug of choice.

But lets get back to what Uncle Starks said.....there are no accidents.

You are using a condom when you have sex with them, and they are on the pill.... they wont get pregnant.
They are having sex with their boyfriend and on the pill and he is pulling out.... they wont get pregnant.
If he is getting that CREAMPIE and having sex on her fertile days, sir... thats INTENTIONAL.
Its 2024 man, women have known their cycle for over a century. Think about how much EFFORT has to go into having sex on the exact 5 days out of 30 that you can get pregnant AND telling him to finish inside. Thats not an accident. if you are in your 20s and telling guys to cream pie you, you WANT to be pregnant


Registered Member
Messages: 35
I know that most times a condom is used but it's not 100% effective.
It's effective unless it breaks or slips off. That stat is just used to scare people from immoral pre-marital sex.

um, I can tell you that Karliane got pregnant from working. Bianca was fucking pissed that she had to organise and pay for the abortion. (apparently) I don't understand why some of these girls are not on extra birth control.
I had another situation where the condom came off in a girl, bianca expected me to go and get the emergency contraceptive pill.
This is one of many reasons I don't do bbfs. Don't want to deal with this situation even if it is unlikely.


Registered Member
Messages: 368
Reviews: 32
I’m curious as to why Bianca would have to arrange and pay for this. Karliane made enough money in a good day to pay for it on her own, even if was after 13 weeks. She was one who could top 20 plus guys in a day. Also, what is extra birth control? A prescribed medicine along with an IUD device? lol
:D I think he is talking about Plan B


Registered Member
Messages: 563
Reviews: 9
I’m curious as to why Bianca would have to arrange and pay for this. Karliane made enough money in a good day to pay for it on her own, even if was after 13 weeks. She was one who could top 20 plus guys in a day. Also, what is extra birth control? A prescribed medicine along with an IUD device? lol
I have no idea why bianca was the one to deal with it.
as for extra birth control, do you really think that one form of birth control is enough? condoms are not 100% effective (neither is the contraceptive) so to depend upon only the condom is a little crazy, especially as accidents can, and do, happen. so why not be on the contraceptive as well as use condoms? or use other options. whatever suits your style. as men, we only have one option that we can use, women have many more. why should we be responsible when we took all the precautions that we could possibly take?


Registered Member
Messages: 563
Reviews: 9
did you take a paternity test, or do you just trust she wouldn't pawn a kid off on a nice guy with some discretionary income?
firstly, that was with my fiancé. secondly, my daughter just gave me a granddaughter. I'll not go into the full familial situation. just be sure that I know she is my daughter, lol.


Registered Member
Messages: 563
Reviews: 9
young man, I have never gotten any woman accidentally pregnant, but if I had a dollar for every STORY and allegation I got from a woman I was sleeping with that she WAS or IS pregnant id be rich. Women lie, prostitutes lie more. Attention, validation and money are their drug of choice.

But lets get back to what Uncle Starks said.....there are no accidents.

You are using a condom when you have sex with them, and they are on the pill.... they wont get pregnant.
They are having sex with their boyfriend and on the pill and he is pulling out.... they wont get pregnant.
If he is getting that CREAMPIE and having sex on her fertile days, sir... thats INTENTIONAL.
Its 2024 man, women have known their cycle for over a century. Think about how much EFFORT has to go into having sex on the exact 5 days out of 30 that you can get pregnant AND telling him to finish inside. Thats not an accident. if you are in your 20s and telling guys to cream pie you, you WANT to be pregnant
firstly, I'm not a "young man," so soak with respect. secondly, you would be surprised at how many women really don't bother following their cycle. thirdly, that you think every woman is biologically the same shows your own ignorance. so many women, especially in this day and age, do not have a regular cycle. therefore, they have no idea when they are likely to ovulate (14 days before menstruation) they might have a 28-day cycle one month, and a 20 day cycle the next. however, if they are on birth control, then their cycle will be regulated (my ex wife was on birth control from the age of 14 for this very reason) and there is significantly less chance of them getting pregnant. there are so many unplanned pregnancies in the world (which is why do many kids are in the Foster care system and adoption system) you really think that all of those women knew they were going to get pregnant? most women don't even realise they ovulate 14 days before menstruation, and not 14 days after! and certainly not young idiotic women.


Review Contributor
Messages: 146
Reviews: 5
This will sound like a cold answer, but its real
99% of the time women get pregnant when they want to.
I have been in a no condom, live in relationship since 2002. The girl in her 20s never accidentally got pregnant, married again in my 30s, the late 20s healthy wife never got accidentally pregnant.
But the one time I have a mistress , she accidentally gets pregnant

In 20 years of this hobby, I have never seen or heard of a story where a girl got knocked up while working. When they get knocked up, its usually by some guy they know and never one of us. Its like they know what day they can get pregnant, and act on it when they want it. I dont believe in accidents with women over 25
Not for nothing, I see how my ex, ex’s and my current girlfriend work. They are planning 20 steps ahead. Women are truly from Venus. Don’t sleep.


Same starks43, same wit, just on a new forum
Messages: 246
Reviews: 6
Not for nothing, I see how my ex, ex’s and my current girlfriend work. They are planning 20 steps ahead. Women are truly from Venus. Don’t sleep.

Wait til you date women from other cultures. Indian girls arent very sexual and track their cycles , but you want me to believe AMERICAN girls both black and white are HYPER sexual but dont track their cycles? with all the education here??? So all of these unplanned pregnancies just shot up in the past 30 years because of lack of education? nah, women are smart and plan ahead more than batman. and are smarter than I am, with or without Jarvis helping me